Saturday, June 20, 2009

Violently Short Fiction! : Brainstormer Challenge!

This is an official Challenge to all my writerly and creative friends (and anyone else who happens to wander by and wants to participate).

1) Go to the Brainstormer and give it a spin!
2) Write a nanoflashy bit o' fiction (101 words! Exactly!) that features all three of the elements that came up on your spin, AND (this part is important) features violence as a primary theme. (This is VSF! after all!)
3) Post it on your blag, with a link to this post.
4) Comment on this post, with a link to your blag post. (Feel free to use those built-in pingbacky doodads or whatever for steps 3 & 4 if you wish).
5) Go read everyone else's entries and say nice things about them.
6) I am not a number! I'm a free man!
7) This challenge has no expiration date, so if you run across it some time next year, feel free to give 'er a whack!

Now, get to it!

(Brainstormer courtesy of Distraction Beast!)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

recent posts on my WordPress Blag.

* I Need a New Drug…
* Galaxy Zoo
* friggin’ pigs.
* Rough Day at the Office
* Fuggit.
* +10 in Dueling (follow up)
* V-Day advice from 2 hot girls.

I may or may not keep doing this sort of thing. Those of my friends who are here can damn well find me, since I take the time to find them. Everybody else... well, I only care about you on alternating days.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Follow, follow, follow, follow, follow the yellow brick road...

February 19th, 7:50

So, for any of my peeps on LJ that are interested in following my exploits or whatever, I am currently blagging over at WordPress.

Some recent entries:

* Absof*ckinglutely Brilliant
* Character Crossover Meme Thing
* betrayals
* Rob Donoghue on Gaming Technology
* fragments

Feel free to come see what pointless meanderings I've been up to lately, and leave any such comments as you feel appropriate. Like "Dude, what's with all the monkeys?"

Ta ta for now ^_^


Saturday, January 3, 2009

Don LaFontaine is doing movie trailers in the afterlife, but this guy... still making shit up right here.

JournalSpace refugee seeks new home...


I'm considering Blogger for salvaging the ruins of my JournalSpace blag... for those who don't know, JS was utterly destroyed, probably by sabotage. So there are a lot of us "JS refugees" wandering the blagosphere, looking for a new home.

This is just one of the ones I'm looking at. I suppose, if anyone happens to stumble across this, and has any advice on the pros and cons of Blogger, or any other site, feel free to comment.

